Hawaiian Nationalist Soli Niheu speaks at large anti-war protest march to CINCPACFLT HQ (16 February 2003) Negative: 9112

Soli Niheu at the Kokua Hawaii checkpoint at the entrance to Kalama Valley. (May 1971) Negative: 2358-1-32

Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell with Soli Niheu at the Blaisdell home (2000)

Hawaiian sovereignty activist Soli Niheu is dragged and later arrested from DHCD office after PACE eviction protest demo occupation. (13 March 1978) Negative: 4019-3-5

Waiahole-Waikane community leader Auntie Nene Manalo sums up circuit court protest demo. Pete Thompson, Bob Fernandez, Soli Niheu, and Gwen Kim also pictured. (21 April 1976) Negative: 2981-3-29a

Pete Thompson (center) links arms with other anti eviction protesters at the Aloha Hotel in Chinatown. Alan Nakasone, Soli Niheu, Kalani Ohelo, Sandy Yee, and Justine Ferriera also pictured. (16 July 1977) Negative: 3073-4-28A